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Hans & Marco

We are Hans Schoelink and Marco de Lange. Two true Africa-goers. We have both been going to Africa a lot since 1994. Marco spent several years living in Zimbabwe and Hans drove countless kilometres through the various countries of Africa in the past 25 years. This means we have many good local contacts and can help you put together the best trip and discover the true Africa by 4×4 car.

Up-to-date advice and reliable cars

Since the early years (1994/1995), much has changed. Tourism has increased dramatically and self-drive trips and 4×4 rental cars have become extremely popular. Travellers used to only run into other ‘overlanders’ with their own cars (much like we met each other in Namibia). However, now you’ll notice that you won’t be the only one discovering Africa with a 4×4. Luckily the countries are so massive that there’s space enough for everyone. You can still drive there for a day without meeting anyone.

Southern Africa

We ourselves are regular visitors of Southern Africa, so we can keep our self-drive experience up to date. Our network of local contacts also keeps us updated, so we can provide you with the latest information of the local situation. We use this knowledge to support and advise you during your self-drive trip through Africa.

If you have a self-drive question or if you want to have more information, please call us on +31 24 208 22 00 or send us an email at info@selfdrive4x4.com. We would love to help you.

We are affiliated with SGR

Guarantee sheme by SGR. SGR is a non-profit organisation based in Rotterdam (Netherlands). Set up in 1983 with the objective of protecting travellers in the event of bankruptcy. SGR is a co-founder of EGFATT, the European Guarantee Fund Association for travel and tourism. It has assisted over 140,000 travellers, paid out over €50 million, and 1.8 million reservations each year hold SGR warranty. SGR covers package holidays, affiliated travel arrangements, travel or accommodation agreements reserved by the travellers with a travel agency participating in SGR, regardless of their place of residence. SGR does not cover individual airline tickets.

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