When traveling to Southern Africa, it is important to take into account numerous differences in both culture and climate.
Currently, a positive travel advice applies to Namibia, Botswana and South Africa. For the most up to date information we advice you to check the website of the national government for current affairs.
Furthermore, due to the severe drought and heat in the summer in Southern Africa, it is advised to bring enough water. Our cars are equipped with a large water tank and a spare wheel, which allows you to drive safely. However, if you are traveling to more remote areas, we recommend bringing extra water,
In cities such as Windhoek and Swakopmund, it is advisable to stay alert to, for example, pickpockets. However, in general there is relatively little crime in this country and the population is friendly and always willing to help.
In the larger cities, you should be alert to pickpockets and make sure to lock your car as there may be some crimes here. Furthermore, you should keep in mind that Botswana is a large country and when traveling, you may need to drive relatively large distances.
South Africa
In the bigger cities in South Africa, crimes may occur. Be alert at the international airport and do not get cash at the airport. As soon as you are outside the city, it will be more safe and the African population is friendly and willing to help.